Once a ticket has been rated, users have the ability to override the invoice or payroll values.  To accomplish this please follow the guide below.

  1. Go to Finance tab > Invoice    or    Finance tab > Payroll
  2. On left hand side, enter filter/search criteria for the tickets you would like to override the invoice and/or payroll ticket values.  Click Search.

  3. Select the ticket that you would like to edit in the bottom right Ticket Detail Grid.
  4. Either double click on the row or click "Edit Ticket" button.

  5. Once Load/Ticket detail screen launches, click on either invoice or payroll tab and click Edit.

  6. In Edit mode, you have the ability to check the override button and modify the ticket rate values.  In the example the user is overriding the Total Hours Worked to 2.  Click Save once all changes are made.