A profile is a custom filter or view that a user can set up on the review > review, finance > invoice and/or finance > payroll screen. Profiles allow a user to decide what filter /search options they would like displayed, what columns they would like to be displayed in a grid to review ticket info, or which columns they would like to export to excel or a coversheet. Profiles enable a user to create custom reports. There are 3 different types of profiles, master profile, filter profile and grid profile. Please follow steps below to create these various profiles.

To create a filter/search profile
- Go to: review > review or finance > invoice or finance > payroll
- In Top left corner, click Master Profile Icon
- Click New
- Enter Profile Name. Be descriptive. This will be the name of the filter you will choose from in the future
- Chose Profile Level
- User = Profile will only be available for you
- Company = Profile will be available to all users
- Default Profile. If checked Yes, this will be the default FILTER profile that will auto populate every time you arrive on this screen
- Check or uncheck what filter/search criteria you would like to be visible within this profile
- Click Save at Top of window, then close window.
- Select newly created profile from the Filter Profile and the filter/search criteria options will update
To create a grid profile
- Go to: review > review or finance > invoice or finance > payroll
- In Bottom right grid or top right grid click Filter Profile Icon
- Click New
- Enter Profile Name. Be descriptive. This will be the name of the filter you will choose from in the future
- Chose Profile Level
- User = Profile will only be available for you
- Company = Profile will be available to all users
- Default Profile. If checked Yes, this will be the default FILTER profile that will auto populate every time you arrive on this screen
- Grid Options
- Search: Enables user to search all columns listed in grid profile.
- Column #: User as the ability to reorder the columns they would like displayed in the grid by enter in the column # order you would liek to move a field too. Column order can also be altered within the grid by dragging and dropping columns
- Field Names: These are the Transportation field names. User may NOT edit these
- Column Names: These are editable field/column header names that can be adjusted. Once altered these will be visible in the grid and in exports to excel/cover sheet. Main purpose for this is if you account uses different verbiage or has custom reports that require custom column header names a user can accomplish this.
- Visible: Check or uncheck what columns you would like to be visible within the grid. Only columns visible in the grid profile will export to excel or coversheet
- Totals: User can define which columns they would like to sum or avg. These sums or averages will be displayed at the bottom of the grid and are exportable to excel/coversheet.
- Click Save at Bottom.
- Select newly created grid profile from the Grid Profile drop down menu and all columns and attributes associated to this profile will be displayed in grid
To create a master profile.
- Go to: review > review or finance > invoice or finance > payroll
- In Top left corner, click on Master Profile Icon
- Click New
- Enter in the master profile name. Be descriptive. This will be the name of the filter you will choose from in the future
- Select the Filter Profile you would like to associate to this master profile
- Select the Totals Grid Profile you would like associated to this master profile (NOT available on review > review screen master profile)
- Select the Ticket Details Grid Profile you would like associated to this master profile
- Click Save, then close.
- In top left corner, select the Master Profile you just created. Once selected the associated Filter Profile, Totals Grid Profile and Ticket Detail Profile will auto select.