3/25/21 Release Notes
Modified on: Wed, 30 Aug, 2023 at 8:57 AM
NEW FEATURES: - Users can now determine if they want a field to be read only on the TABLET, LOAD CREATION, TICKET DETAILS screen, or any combination of the 3

- Added Audit Log to scenario screen

- Added a new feature to validate pickup locations on ticket import by either Pickup Name or Pickup Number

- Added an additional filter to the top of rate sheets for OPERATOR

- Driver Number on the bottom of printed run tickets now shows the custom driver number field rather than the system generated internal driver ID
- New rate sheet components for Split Tank Same Location and Split Tank Different Location
- Load creation time now reflects the correct time based on time zone under company settings
- Using the same field on pickup and dropoff layouts now show correct/unique data on all grids system-wide
- Now record LAST MODIFIED DATE for tanks for companies with API configurations
- PDF run tickets are now included on email notifications
- Users that do not have DRIVER EDIT permissions can no longer edit drivers from Driver Schedules screen
- Portal users can now add a pickup location until a driver has arrived at dropoff
- Rate sheet table values now accept 4 digits and 2 decimals (XXXX.xx)
- Fixed a bug where drivers get “Loads Have Changed” message after a mass load update and also caused drop off name to be blank
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