Transportation enables a user to create an invoice for multiple tickets (batch) or a single ticket. Once a rate sheet is applied to a scenario, pickup and/or drop off, the system will AUTO rate the tickets once the data is received back from the tablet. On the Finance > Invoice screen, a user can query tickets and see the value or charges associated to them. User can then invoice one ticket at time or batch invoice groups of tickets. Please follow the instructions below to create an invoice.
- Go to Finance tab > Invoice
- On left hand side, enter filter/search criteria for the tickets you would like to invoice. Click Search
- The tickets that match your filter/search criteria will be displayed in the bottom right Ticket Detail Grid. In addition if there are any existing invoices that match tickets during this time frame, these invoices will show up in top right Invoice Totals Grid.
- Within the bottom right Ticket Detail Grid, user can scroll to the right and see all the fields associated to these tickets.
- Within the bottom right Ticket Detail Grid, user can scroll to the right and see all the fields associated to these tickets.
- To create an invoice, first select the tickets you would like to be apart of the invoice by following either of these steps
- Users can click first ticket/row, scroll to bottom, click shift + hold, and then click last ticket row. This will select all tickets.
- User can select a ticket/row, hold CTRL + click and select all other tickets
- Once tickets are selected, click create new invoice button
- Fill out the invoice attributes and click Save
- Invoice # = Transportation will auto generate a unique invoice # once invoice is saved
- Bill To Account = Who you are invoicing
- Account Invoice # = Some accounts provide trucking companies an invoice # they would like added to the invoice for reference
- Accounting Invoice # = Finance departments use alternative system to create invoices. This field is used to link or reference these invoices # from external accounting systems
- Start Date, End Date and Due Date of Invoice
- Notes: Place to add notes about invoice
- Paid: Ability to mark once invoice has been paid.
- After invoice is saved and generated it will display the invoice in the Invoice Totals Grid. All tickets associated to this invoice are displayed in the Ticket Details Grid
- Exporting An Invoice to Excel
- Select the Invoice you would like to export in the Invoice Totals Grid
- In Top Right Corner, Click Excel Icon
- Select Export Totals, Export Tickets or Export Totals and Tickets
- Export Totals = Will export row/columns that are visible in Invoice Totals Grid. Excel file will have 1 tab, Totals
- Export Tickets = Will export all rows/columns that are visible in Ticket Details Grid. Excel file will have 1 tab, Details
- Export Totals and Tickets = Will export all rows/columns from both Invoice Totals Grid and Ticket Details Grid. Excel file will have 2 tabs, Totals and Details
- Excel File Name will be Invoice # followed by Bill To Account Followed by Invoice Start Date - End Date. As an example, Invoice #25 Holly Frontier 10142018 - 10212018.
- Totals Tab - Example
- Details Tab - Example
- Exporting An Invoice to Coversheet
- Select the Invoice you would like to export in the Invoice Totals Grid
- In Top Right Corner, Click Coversheet Icon
- Select Export Totals, Export Tickets or Export Totals and Tickets
- Export Totals = Will export row/columns that are visible in Invoice Totals Grid. Coversheet will have 1 page with totals.
- Export Tickets = Will export all rows/columns that are visible in Ticket Details Grid. Coversheet will have multiple pages with ticket details.
- Export Totals and Tickets = Will export all rows/columns from both Invoice Totals Grid and Ticket Details Grid. Coversheet will have multiple pages. First page will be totals and page 2 thru XX will be ticket details
- Cover Sheet name will be Invoice # followed by Bill To Account Followed by Invoice Start Date - End Date.