8/08/2022 - Release Notes
Modified on: Thu, 31 Aug, 2023 at 8:30 AM
Portal - Setup Pickup and Drop Off
- Special characters are now allowed on equipment/tanks
- Setup > Drop Off
- Under setup > account there is a new feature to allow duplicate drop off numbers under the same account.
- Setup > Import Pickups
- H2S, Legal Description, Site Instructions, Written Directions, Time zone, Day Cab, Default Product Type, Default Gauge Type, Default Drop Offs
- Special characters are now allowed
- Setup > Operator
- Max character limit has been increased to 64 for operator number field
- Setup > Phonebook Notifications
- A new option is available to include run ticket pdfs or URLs with rejected loads when creating a phonebook entry and setting up notifications.
- US Cellular has been added as a new option for carriers
- Setup > Driver
- Termination date is a new field that can be stored when inactivating a driver
- Geotab ID is now visible on user interface
- Setup > Truck
- Geotab ID is now visible on user interface
- Setup > Admin > Company
- A new feature has been added to require a photo when a ticket is rejected. If enabled, when a driver rejects a load on the tablet they will be required to take a receipt photo to justify the reject.
- Users have the ability to HIDE pickup or drop off account name when printing run tickets
- Dispatch Board
- Dispatchers can now assign loads on historical days for drivers who are still logged in
- Gravity, Grade and Sulfur, Pickup City, Drop Off City, Driver Group, Truck Group fields have been added to open load grids
- Load/Ticket Detail Screen
- If user edits a drop off location it will ask user if they would like to update loaded miles or retain existing miles
- When user export images along with their run tickets, the image size will fit the page
- Review
- When exporting tickets, the order of the tickets in excel will mirror the grid
- Finance
- Fuel surcharge can now be calculated by using Last Monday of Previous Month and user can specify a weekly timeframe of Monday – Sunday OR Tuesday – Monday
- Enhanced AND and IF statements to work with additional logical statements
- Profiles
- Users can now define which users can VIEW or EDIT a profile
- User Group type has been added to User/Company option list
- Users can duplicate or make a copy of an existing profile
Tablet- Predictive text has been added to account and location level drop downs so when drivers create loads its easier to search for them
- Date/Time + Latitude/Longitude are now added to driver added receipt and other images
- Written Directions have now been added to See More/Instructions section
Portal- Setup > Forms and Fields
- When editing drop off forms, user does not need to click SAVE ALL button to appropriately capture the changes
- Setup > Pickup/Drop Off
- When copying pickups or drop offs tanks will remain on existing locations and new ones will be duplicated for new locations
- Setup > Driver
- User can now select a future hire date when creating new drivers
- Setup > Truck
- When deleting a Geotab serial #, the internal Geotab ID will also be deleted to prevent sync issues
- Load > Manage Loads
- When editing filter criteria, the open load grid now properly updates
- Load > Import Loads
- When importing loads, if pickup name or drop off name do no match any location in the system user will be required to select correct location.
- Dispatch Board
- When adding or dropping loads, column widths within grids will hold and not reset
- When user right clicks on load and edit load form displays, all data will properly load and display now
- When editing seal off time or seal on time, calendar component remains open when editing time, until user clicks off it
- When all driver notes are archived the “N” symbol will not be displayed any longer
- Load/Ticket Detail
- When editing tickets and making no changes, lat/long would display a change due to a decimal/rounding issue
- Review > Review
- Ticket confirmation # properly exports to excel
- Dispatcher Assigned date type query properly searches tickets
- Review > Ticket Import
- User can now select multiple rows/tickets and delete conflicts
- Finance
- User can enter 0 for rate sheet numeric fields
- When reject ticket is recalculated, stored rate sheet names associated to this ticket will refreshed
- When overriding rate sheet fields on reject tickets, overrides will save properly
Tablet- If a drop off has been changed, updated journey management notes and files will be updated on tablet
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