PakEnergy Transportation Release Notes 

April 2023 


  • Load Scheduling 

  • Under load > manage schedules, users have the ability to create load schedules.   

  • A load schedule can be created as a one time, daily(every day, every other day, etc), weekly or monthly(select days you want it to run).   

  • Creating a load schedule is very similar to building a load.  User will define terminal, account, pickup and drop off, load creation pickup or drop off fields.   

  • User can decide when to run the schedule and define an offset for what the req pickup, assigned pickup or req drop off date will be for the loads.   

  • Users can also auto assign loads to drivers when the schedule runs saving dispatch a step 

  • Loads schedules which do not have a driver assigned will be created as OPEN loads 

  • Load schedules which have a driver assigned will have assigned status and will show up on dispatch board automatically. 


  • Load > Manage Load or Dispatch Board > Create New Load 

  • Users now have the ability to assign driver(s) to a load when creating the load.   

  • If multiple drivers are selected then the # of loads defined(any, day or night) will be assigned to those drivers.  As an example, if you want to assign loads to 4 drivers, if user decided to create 3 ANY loads then it will assign 3 loads to each of the 4 drivers. 

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  • Load Creation Form Profile 

  • Historically when creating a load, dispatcher has to define a terminal and account before selecting a pickup or drop off location.   

  • With new load creation form profile, users can create profiles and decide which fields will show up in the form.  A user could remove terminal and account so dispatchers can select pickups or drop offs across all terminals and accounts.   

  • We have added ability to add OPERATOR as a filter to select pickups or drop offs.  As an example, dispatch wants to select a terminal and then an operator to filter the pickup or drop off list.   

  • Users can also make fields NOT VISIBLE within the profile if they are not used on the form.   


  • Inbound Load API 

  • Assigned driver has been added as a parameter 

  • Define Default Carriers for Given Pickup 

  • On setup > pickup, users can define a default carrier/drivers for given pickup location 

  • Once defined when dispatch creates loads it will auto define and assign this driver to the load. 

  • As an example, if Coffeyville Resources uses driver Troy Services(trucking company) to haul all of the loads for a given pickup.  Coffeyville can go to given pickup and define Troy Serivces as the default driver/carrier.  When Coffeyville dispatch creates the loads it will auto defined and assign these loads to Troy Services  

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  • Suspend Pickup 

  • In the state of Texas and other municipalities, pickup or leases will go into suspend status.  Historically users would have to INACTIVE this location to avoid dispatchers from creating loads for given pickup 

  • On Setup > pickup, a new option has been added to suspend a pickup.  User will add suspend notes and an effective date.   


  • On effective date if dispatch attempts to create load with given pickup it will inform user of the suspension and provide notes and effective date.  When user clicks CLOSE the pickup will be cleared and dispatch will be unable to create a load on this location. 

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  • Ability to require photos to be taken upon arrival or before departure 

  • On setup > def > code tab you can create the photo types you want to create.  Youll decide the name of the photo, location(pickup, drop off or both) and then when driver will take picture.  Upon arrival, before departure or both 


  • Next you will decide for a given commodity which photo types are required.   

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  • On tablet.  When driver arrives they would see a popup like this.  They will need to take photos for each and then click confirm for them to interact with pickup screen.  We are making some UI changes here but it gives you the idea.   

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  • On tablet.  When driver clicks depart they would see a popup like this.  They will need to take photos for each and click confirm to leave pickup. 

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  • Companies can auto drop loads which have not been picked up(no ticket yet) when driver clicks SUBMIT SHIFT AND LOGOUT   

  • These loads will be dropped from driver and put back in the open load bank 

  • When driver drops load, the drop reason code used will be AUTO DROP 

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  • Require Drop Reasons 

  • A new feature has been added to require drop reasons to be defined when load is dropped back to open load bank.  Within analytics, we can create reports which show how many loads were dropped, why they were dropped and which drivers are dropping them. 

  • Under setup > admin > company tab users can turn on require drop reasons when dropping loads.   

  • Under setup > definitions > reason codes, companies can add drop reasons 

  • On dispatch board, when dispatch drops a load back to open load bank it will require a drop reason to be selected 

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  • New Functions and Components on Finance 

  • Users now have the ability to sum a ticket field(ie gross barrels) for given BOL or shift.  Users can also find min or max value for a ticket field.  This feature only works with pickup or drop off ticket fields.  In future we will be added rate sheet fields 

  • As an example, for split tickets, users had to manually address the min barrels and if the summation of the gross barrels was above or below the min.  Using SUM BOL function and selecting component gross barrels will allow users to see if the sum of the gross barrels across the tickets for given bol is above or below min and if so allocate variance to either both tickets or allocate to first ticket in bol 

  • We have added 3 new components, named SUM BOL LOADED MILES, MIN BOL LOADED MILES.  The purpose of these components is to do a lookup into the scenario table to sum, find min or find max loaded miles when there are split pickups.   

  • As an example.  If pickup A to drop off A is loaded miles of 50 and pickup B to drop off A is loaded miles of 70.  If user applies component SUM then it will output 120 loaded miles.  If min then 50.  If max then 70.  This output can then be used to identified the loaded mile rate which needs to apply to given tickets 

  • Large Data Set Feature 

  • The large data set feature has been added to improve speed on load and ticket creation/edit screens 

  • Under setup > admin > company tab, left hand column companies can turn on this feature and define the min characters a user has to type in to do a search 

  • In near future we will be adding scenarios and drop off names to be included.  Currently its only pickup names 

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  • Tablet run tickets will have a black box around emergency contact #, product type and gross barrels is now on top of tickets for crude customers to better inform DOT and comply with DOT/FMCSA regulations 

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  • Improved performance on Zoho Analytics integration and Dashboards loading 

  • Upgraded EIA.GOV diesel fuel price API to work with API 2.0 which they released 


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