3/19/25 - PakEnergy Transport Release Notes for March 19th
- Load Requirements: On Load > Import loads, when loads are being imported and assigned to drivers the system will now verify load Requirements. If there is a “WARNING” or “BLOCK” the user will see the following icons within the conflict column and if you hover over the conflicts icon it will explain what the Requirement “WARNING” or “BLOCK” is.
- Suspense Date
- On Setup > Pickup, users can select a historical suspense date.
- On the Dispatch Board, if an Open Load has a Pickup location which is Suspended, the Dispatcher will NOT be able to assign the load to the driver. In the Open Load Grid the user will see a red circle with a slash through it and if you hover over this icon the Suspend Notes will appear for reference.
- Load Requirements: If a driver has the ability to ADD LOAD or REROUTE DROP OFFs, when the driver performs these actions, when they click save, we will do a Requirement check and compare the location Requirements to the driver Requirements. If there is a Requirement with action of “WARNING” then we will inform the driver and they can decide to cancel or proceed. If there is a Requirement with action of “BLOCK” then we will inform the driver and prevent the driver from creating the load or reroute the Drop Off.
- Load Requirements: If a driver receives a load Requirement popup “WARNING” or “BLOCK” a when accepting a load, a new refresh button has been added, so if a back office staff member adds the Requirements to the driver/truck/trailer, the driver can click refresh to do another Requirement check.
- Load Requirements: On the Inbound > Load API, when a load is being created and a driver is being assigned we will allow the load to be created but we will NOT assign the load to the driver if a “BLOCK” Requirement has been identified. API user will be informed that the load was created but not assigned to the driver due to the Requirement “BLOCK”. If there is a “WARNING” Requirement, we will create the load and assign it without any notification to the API user.
- The inbound load API has been enhanced to accept partial updates after the load has been created. The following fields are supported
- Driver Assigned (only if currently OPEN, can NOT re-assign to different Driver)
- Loaded Miles
- Req. Pickup Date
- Req. Pickup Date Time Type
- Req. Drop Off Date
- Req. Drop Off Time Type
- Urgent
- Req. Pickup Time
- Req. Drop Off Time
- Asgn. Pickup Date
- Load Instructions
- Contact Name
- Contact Phone
- Dispatcher Comments
- Dynamic Fields associated to load creation Pickup forms (Dependency forms are not supported yet)
- Dynamic Fields associated to load creation Drop Off forms (Dependency forms are not supported yet)
- Load/Ticket detail popup, if an external user had restricted access to a driver/contractor, the load form was empty and users could not see the Pickup Account, Pickup Name, Pickup Tank, Drop Off Account, Drop Off Name and other pertinent information. This issue has been resolved
- Inbound Pickup API, users were receiver an account district error. This issue has been resolved.
- Load screen, after a Pickup account was selected the Scenario drop down was not properly filtered to only show Scenarios of the selected Pickup Account. This issue has been resolved.
- If a load was created as a split Pickup and driver rejects first part of split. If dispatch removed the 2nd part of the split, the load remained in an ongoing state vs the load being updated to a Reject. This issue has been resolved.
- There were 2 fixes to resolve issues with updating the latest odometer.