The below steps provide detailed instructions on how to create a user profile within your Scout environment
Note: You must have the correct admin permissions in order to create user profiles and perform the below steps.
Step 1: On the left side menu, under the "Admin" module, select "Users"
Step 2: Select "Create User" on the top right

Step 3: Enter in the correlating information pertaining to the user
Please see below for our general rules pertaining to the setup of a username and password:
Username: FirstLetterofFirstNameandWholeLastName (all lowercase)
Password: LastnameYYYY
Step 4: Select the appropriate title for the user and the permissions you want the user to have access to within your environment.
Step 5: Select the appropriate routes the user should have access to, and the default route that the user will see immediately upon logging in:
Step 6: Click "Create User" in the bottom right corner.
You're all set! Click the link below to view an instructional video of how to complete the above steps: