3/5/25 - PakEnergy Transport Release Notes for March 5th




New: Load Requirements - Portal       

  • Load Requirements is a new feature which enables a company to input various Requirements for Pickup and Drop Off locations and verify if the Driver, Truck or Trailer can meet these Requirements.  Outlined below are a few examples:
  1. If a Drop Off location requires training.  A Requirement can be created with the Drop Offs name + training.  This Requirement can be added to the Setup > Drop Off screen.   As Drivers are trained at this Drop Off location, this Requirement can be added to the Driver on the Setup > Driver screen.
  2. If a Drop Off location requires a TWIC card.  A Requirement can be created named TWIC CARD.  This Requirement can be added to the Drop Offs which require a TWIC CARD on the Setup > Drop Off screen.   For Drivers who have a TWIC card, the TWIC CARD Requirement can be added to the Drivers who have a TWIC CARD on the Setup > Driver screen.
  3. If a Pickup location requires a 30-foot hose to reach the header and extract the oil.  A Requirement called 30ft Hose can be created and added to the Pickup locations which need this on the Setup > Pickup screen.  For all Trailers which have a 30ft Hose, this Requirement can be added to the Trailer on the Setup > Trailer screen. 
  4. If a Pickup location requires a Day Cab Truck to access it.  A new Requirement can be created called Day Cab.  This Requirement can be added to all Pickup locations which require a Day Cab on the Setup > Pickup screen.  For all Trucks which are a designated Day Cab, this Requirement can be added to all Trucks on the Setup > Truck screen.
  • On the Setup > Definition > Code tab, a new code type called “Requirement” can be added
    • Users can define the description of the Requirement (i.e. DAY CAB, TWIC CARD, 30ft HOSE, Morgantown Training).
    • Users can define what ACTION should be taken when this Requirement is validated.  
      • WARN will warn the user/Driver. 
      • BLOCK will prevent the user/Driver from proceeding
      • NONE will perform no action.
    • Users can define which Entitiesare associated to the Requirement.  This step is very important to ensure the appropriate Entities are defined for validation checks.  Using the above four examples, here would be the Entities which would be selected: 
      • #1 Drop Off and Driver. 
      • #2 Drop Off and Driver. 
      • #3 Pickup and Trailer. 
      • #4 Pickup and Truck. 
    • For User Group, this will define which User Groups can see the Requirement within the portal.  By default, all User Groups are selected. 

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  • On Setup > Pickup, Drop Off, Driver, Truck/Trailer a user can add the relevant Requirements to each entity.   Only Requirements which have the particular entity defined from Setup > code tab will display as available options to select or unselect. 
  • On the Dispatch Board, in the Open Load Grid and Driver Available Grid, we have added the Pickup Requirements, Drop Off Requirements and Driver Requirements as available fields to add to the grids. 

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  • On the Dispatch Board, when a Dispatcher assigns open loads to a Driver OR is reassigning a load from one Driver to another Driver, a Requirement check will be performed between the Pickups and Drop Offs tied to the load compared to the Driver who it is being assigned too.  
    • Dispatcher will receive a popup which shows 2 grids.  The 1st/top grid shows which loads are being assigned to the Driver.  The 2nd/bottom grid will display any Requirements which have a warning or block associated to them.  In the example below, the Dispatch is assigning 4 loads to the Driver (top grid) and a Drop Off location Requirement validation was identified (bottom grid).  The Drop Off location ABBOTTRD has a Requirement of ABBOTT TRAINING and the Driver this load is being assigned to DOES NOT have this Requirement.  The ABBOTT TRAINING Requirement only has an action of WARNING so it will still allow a Dispatch to assign these loads.


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    • In the following example below, a single load is being assigned to the Driver.  There is a TWIC CARD Requirement with the Drop Off location of HEARNE.  The TWIC CARD Requirement has an action of BLOCK, so in this example the load will NOT be assigned to the Driver and will remain in the open load grid OR with the Driver it is currently assigned to. 

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  • Requirement checks will also be performed on the following screens/actions:
    • Load > Manage load or Dispatch Board > Create new load: When a load is being created and assigned to a Driver
    • On Dispatch Board or Review screen, if an assigned/ongoing load is being edited and locations are being modified
    • On Dispatch Board, right click > reroute is being performed
    • On Load > Import loads, when loads are being imported and assigned to Drivers
    • On Review Screen, if a mass update is being performed and Pickup or Drop Off locations are being modified for assigned/ongoing loads



Load Requirements – Mobile Devices

  • On the Load Summary Screen, when a Driver clicks start load, if there are Load Requirements defined with Entities of Pickup, Drop Off and Truck or Trailer, we will do a verification check to see if the Requirements which are associated to the Pickups and Drop Offs tied to the load the Driver is going to start and compare it to the Requirements of the Truck and Trailer the Driver is logged into.   
    • If the Requirement has an action of WARN then it will warn the Driver but they will be able to proceed and start the load. 
    • If the Requirement has an action of BLOCK then it will block the Driver from starting this load and the Driver will need to change their Truck or Trailer or change which load the Driver is going to work on. 
    • If a Driver has the ability to ADD LOAD or REROUTE DROP OFFs, when the Driver performs these actions, they click Save. The Mobile App will do a Requirement check and compare the location Requirements to the Driver Requirements. 
    • If there is a Requirement with action of Warning then we will inform the Driver and they can decide to cancel or proceed. 
    • If there is a Requirement with action of BLOCK then we will inform the Driver and prevent the Driver to add the load or reroute the Drop Off. 


Load Requirements - API

  • On the inbound Setup > Pickup, Drop Off, Driver, Truck/Trailer APIs, Load Requirements has been added as an attribute to be sent in on creation or as an update.
    • On the inbound > Load API, when a load is being created, and a Driver is being assigned we will prevent the load from being created and assigned to Driver if a BLOCK Requirement has been identified.  The API user will be informed why the load was not created due to the Requirement block.  If there is a WARNING Requirement, we will create the load and assign it without any notification




  • A new ticket API has been made available for customers to extract ticket data.   The new ticket API allows customers to create a profile on the review screen and reference this profile in the ticket API request.   When the ticket data is provided back to the API user, it will only include the fields which are a part of this profile making it simpler and faster to consume the data. 

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  • On Ticket Screen, if a Pickup or Drop Off was tied to a Contract which was expired the Pickup and Drop Off names were not appearing on the screen.  This was a display issue.  This issue has been resolved
  • On Load screen, the Pickup name or Drop Off name was blank if a Contract had expired.  This was a display issue.  This issue has now been resolved.
  • On the load screen, when a user would cancel a load, the cancellation Date/Time did not always display in Company Time Zone.  This issue has been resolved. 
  • With the GE/Shipxpress integration, the run ticket type was not properly transmitted in some use cases.  This issue has been resolved. 
  • The Dispatch Board has been optimized for companies using Dependency forms.  In Before/After benchmark tests, speed improvements ranged from 100% to 300% improvement. 
  • Review > Driver Added tank screen.  If a user makes a change to a tank name, the tank photo associated to the Driver added tank was not always displayed.  This issue has been resolved. 
  • On the Review > Review screen, when a user opens up a Load/Ticket and goes to Load tab, the Load Creation Pickup and Drop Off fields displayed will be associated to the Commodity of the load.  There was a bug where it was displaying these fields based upon the Commodity selected in the top left corner. 
  • On the Review > Review, Finance > Invoice and Payroll screens, if a user adds a filter at the top of the column, and the user edits and saves a Load/Ticket the filter will remain in place. 
  • The inbound ticket API now allows users to define all the Date/Times to be the same for Driver accepted, Pickup arrival, Pickup departure, Drop Off arrival and Drop Off departure.


  • On the Setup > Driver and Truck/Trailer screen, the Geotab or Samsara Sync All button has been moved to the Setup > Admin > Company page near the other Telematics/ELD field attributes. 

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  • On the Mobile app > Submit Shift Screen, if Drivers printed out their Shift summary, the Gross Barrels printed 0.  This issue has been resolved. 
  • On the Mobile app > if a Driver switched Trucks/Trailer Midshift, the logout odometer of the last Truck was using the login odometer of the next Truck. This issue has been resolved.